在找資料時剛好看到有文章整理了 CommandResponderEvent的幾個範例,覺得不錯趕緊筆記下來XD
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Example 1
Project: apmrouter File: TrapPrinter.java View source code | 6 votes |
@Override public void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent event) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Received PDU:"); PDU pdu = event.getPDU(); event.getPeerAddress(); b.append("\n\tReceived From: [" + event.getPeerAddress() + "]"); b.append("\n\tType Code: [" + PDU_DECODES.get(pdu.getType()) + "]"); b.append("\n\tRequest ID: [" + pdu.getRequestID() + "]"); b.append("\n\tStatus: [" + pdu.getErrorStatusText() + "]"); processV2(pdu, b); if(pdu instanceof PDUv1) { processV1((PDUv1)pdu, b); } log(b); }
Example 2
Project: opennms_dashboard File: MockProxy.java View source code | 6 votes |
public void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent e) { PDU command = e.getPDU(); if (command == null) return; PDU response = processRequest(command); if (response == null) return; StatusInformation statusInformation = new StatusInformation(); StateReference ref = e.getStateReference(); try { Logger.getLogger(MockProxy.class).debug("Replying with: "+command); e.setProcessed(true); e.getMessageDispatcher().returnResponsePdu(e.getMessageProcessingModel(), e.getSecurityModel(), e.getSecurityName(), e.getSecurityLevel(), command, e.getMaxSizeResponsePDU(), ref, statusInformation); } catch (MessageException ex) { System.err.println("Error while sending response: "+ex.getMessage()); Logger.getLogger(MockProxy.class).error(ex); } }
Example 3
Project: opennms_dashboard File: Snmp4jTrapReceiverTest.java View source code | 6 votes |
public synchronized void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent cmdRespEvent) { PDU pdu = cmdRespEvent.getPDU(); System.out.println("Received PDU... " + pdu); if (pdu != null) { System.out.println(pdu.getClass().getName()); System.out.println("trapType = " + pdu.getType()); System.out.println("isPDUv1 = " + (pdu instanceof PDUv1)); System.out.println("isTrap = " + (pdu.getType() == PDU.TRAP)); System.out.println("isInform = " + (pdu.getType() == PDU.INFORM)); System.out.println("variableBindings = " + pdu.getVariableBindings()); trapCount++; } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Can't create PDU"); } }
Example 4
Project: rhq File: SnmpTrapSender.java View source code | 6 votes |
/** * processPdu * * @param e CommandResponderEvent */ public synchronized void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent e) { PDU command = e.getPDU(); if (command != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(command.toString()); if ((command.getType() != PDU.TRAP) && (command.getType() != PDU.V1TRAP) && (command.getType() != PDU.REPORT) && (command.getType() != PDU.RESPONSE)) { command.setErrorIndex(0); command.setErrorStatus(0); command.setType(PDU.RESPONSE); StatusInformation statusInformation = new StatusInformation(); StateReference ref = e.getStateReference(); try { e.getMessageDispatcher().returnResponsePdu(e.getMessageProcessingModel(), e.getSecurityModel(), e.getSecurityName(), e.getSecurityLevel(), command, e.getMaxSizeResponsePDU(), ref, statusInformation); } catch (MessageException ex) { log.error("Error while sending response: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } }
Example 5
Project: flume-snmp-source File: testSNMPTrap.java View source code | 6 votes |
/** * This method will be called whenever a pdu is received on the given port specified in the listen() method */ public synchronized void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent cmdRespEvent) { System.out.println("Received PDU..."); PDU pdu = cmdRespEvent.getPDU(); if (pdu != null) { System.out.println("Trap Type = " + pdu.getType()); System.out.println("Variable Bindings = " + pdu.getVariableBindings()); int pduType = pdu.getType(); if ((pduType != PDU.TRAP) && (pduType != PDU.V1TRAP) && (pduType != PDU.REPORT) && (pduType != PDU.RESPONSE)) { pdu.setErrorIndex(0); pdu.setErrorStatus(0); pdu.setType(PDU.RESPONSE); StatusInformation statusInformation = new StatusInformation(); StateReference ref = cmdRespEvent.getStateReference(); try { System.out.println(cmdRespEvent.getPDU()); cmdRespEvent.getMessageDispatcher().returnResponsePdu(cmdRespEvent.getMessageProcessingModel(), cmdRespEvent.getSecurityModel(), cmdRespEvent.getSecurityName(), cmdRespEvent.getSecurityLevel(), pdu, cmdRespEvent.getMaxSizeResponsePDU(), ref, statusInformation); } catch (MessageException ex) { System.err.println("Error while sending response: " + ex.getMessage()); LogFactory.getLogger(SnmpRequest.class).error(ex); } } } }
Example 6
Project: ismp_manager File: Snmp4JTrapNotifier.java View source code | 6 votes |
@Override public void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent e) { PDU command = new PDU(e.getPDU()); IpAddress addr = ((IpAddress) e.getPeerAddress()); if (command != null) { if (command.getType() == PDU.INFORM) { PDU response = new PDU(command); response.setErrorIndex(0); response.setErrorStatus(0); response.setType(PDU.RESPONSE); StatusInformation statusInformation = new StatusInformation(); StateReference ref = e.getStateReference(); try { e.getMessageDispatcher().returnResponsePdu( e.getMessageProcessingModel(), e.getSecurityModel(), e.getSecurityName(), e.getSecurityLevel(), response, e.getMaxSizeResponsePDU(), ref, statusInformation); if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { log().debug( "Sent RESPONSE PDU to peer " + addr + " acknowledging receipt of INFORM (reqId=" + command.getRequestID() + ")"); } } catch (MessageException ex) { log().error( "Error while sending RESPONSE PDU to peer " + addr + ": " + ex.getMessage() + "acknowledging receipt of INFORM (reqId=" + command.getRequestID() + ")"); } } } if (e.getPDU() instanceof PDUv1) { m_listener.trapReceived(new Snmp4JV1TrapInformation(addr .getInetAddress(), new String(e.getSecurityName()), (PDUv1) e.getPDU(), m_trapProcessorFactory .createTrapProcessor())); } else { m_listener.trapReceived(new Snmp4JV2TrapInformation(addr .getInetAddress(), new String(e.getSecurityName()), e .getPDU(), m_trapProcessorFactory.createTrapProcessor())); } }
Example 7
Project: rhq File: SnmpTrapEventPoller.java View source code | 5 votes |
/** * Callback from the Snmp lib. Will be called on each incoming trap */ public void processPdu(CommandResponderEvent cre) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("recv: " + cre); PDU pdu = cre.getPDU(); String sourceAddr; Address addr = cre.getPeerAddress(); if (addr instanceof IpAddress) { sourceAddr = ((IpAddress) addr).getInetAddress().toString(); if (sourceAddr.startsWith("/")) sourceAddr = sourceAddr.substring(1); } else { // Don't use addr.toString() as this would contain the port and generate too many // EventSources sourceAddr = "snmp-agent"; } if (pdu != null) { StringBuffer payload = new StringBuffer(); // SNMP v1 if (pdu instanceof PDUv1) { PDUv1 v1pdu = (PDUv1) pdu; long timeTicks = v1pdu.getTimestamp(); payload.append("Traptype (generic, specific): "); payload.append(v1pdu.getGenericTrap()).append(", ").append(v1pdu.getSpecificTrap()).append("\n"); payload.append("Timestamp: " + new TimeTicks(timeTicks).toString()); payload.append("\n"); } SnmpTrapdComponent.trapCount++; EventSeverity severity = EventSeverity.INFO; Vector<VariableBinding> vbs = pdu.getVariableBindings(); for (VariableBinding vb : vbs) { OID oid = vb.getOid(); Variable var = vb.getVariable(); int syntax = vb.getSyntax(); // Try to translate the oid string (1.2.3....) into a readable name String oids = oid.toString(); if (translation.getProperty(oids) != null) { oids = translation.getProperty(oids); } payload.append(oids); payload.append(": "); payload.append(var.toString()); // TODO change depending on syntax ! payload.append("\n"); /* * This corresponds with the values from AlertPriority */ if (severityOid != null && oid.compareTo(severityOid) == 0) { String sev = var.toString(); if (sev.toLowerCase().contains("high")) severity = EventSeverity.ERROR; else if (sev.toLowerCase().contains("medium")) severity = EventSeverity.WARN; else severity = EventSeverity.INFO; } } Event event = new Event(getEventType(), sourceAddr, System.currentTimeMillis(), severity, payload .toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("queue event " + event); synchronized (events) { events.add(event); } } }